Join our upcoming free workshops

We are excited to share our focus on Ren Xue, a holistic system, created by Yuan Tze, designed to uplift and enhance human life.

Introduction to Ren Xue

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or depleted? Discover Ren Xue, a revolutionary approach to holistic wellbeing that offers a clear path to calm, clarity, and vitality.

In this complimentary 60-minute session, available both in-person and via Zoom, you'll explore the life-changing wisdom of Ren Xue, a unique system created by Yuan Tze. Learn how Ren Xue integrates ancient wisdom with modern science to:

  • Enhance your overall wellbeing

  • Help you connect with your True Self

  • Provide tools to navigate life's challenges

Three dates available (come to one or all):

Wed, Aug 14 | 7:00-8:00 PM PST | on ZOOM

Tues, Aug 20 |5:00-6:00 PM PST | live, Grass Valley, CA

Thurs, Sept 5 | 7:00-8:00 PM PST |on ZOOM

More dates added soon!

“True health, happiness and sense of wellbeing can only be obtained through transforming the heart and consiousness.” ~YuanTze